And we...met to andwemet, how a journey turned into a platform for love seekers



May 29, 2021

A couple of years ago when I reached out to an editor of a leading weekend newspaper, not because she was the editor but there was something else we had in common, we were both what I call “adopted mothers”, I wanted her to focus on the fact that the baby/ies who come into our lives, are the ones who are gracious, kind and extremely loving to give us the special honour of being their parent/ s. That’s what makes this stature of parenthood the most special .. everyday. For the rest of our lives.

They say that when God decides to bestow his blessings, he does it quick, so it was in our case, once my husband and I made the decision to adopt, everything fell in place within fifteen days, from the first visit to the orphanage to that point in time when our little bundle was all ready to be ours and we hers. I do remember the slight anxiety I had, and my mind was reeling with the “what if” the baby rejects me … but what gave me faith was my mother’s assurance that “ love is the easiest thing to give and both of you ( referring to me and my spouse) are capable of loving … so just go fearlessly and see the magic of love “ .

Bringing up our little girl has been a sheer joy, yes there is a level of honesty in telling her about how gracious and kind and loving she has been to both of us cause she has given us the once in a lifetime opportunity to be her Ma and Baba … it is absolutely uncanny in the way our daughter talks like me but has the temperament of her dad. She’s seen us reading, so she has turned out to be quite a voracious reader, she’s seen her father assemble and repair gadgets with a flair, she’s now my go to girl for any tech related issues, she’s been with us to innumerable food joints relishing and trying out new cuisines , she’s turned out to be quite the foodie we wanted her to be.

Parenting follows the same pattern of anxieties, hopes, wants, desires and discipline, it makes no difference between an “ adopted parent” or a “ biological parent”, and equally true it is of childhood too , every child is a child first and forever. As lives get united in every birth so does it through adoption, and with every life that gets united, the endless joys just begin … and the journey of bringing up a baby follows the same paths..

Our little girl is growing up fast… we are indeed happy to see her cross many significant milestones, at times both of us are apprehensive .. we do want to see our little munchkin to grow up into a fine young woman who makes the world proud by doing things that she can do. This is our only wish and prayer from God.. May he give her the strength and the sense to be a kind and loving person…

A final word to those loving people who wish to become “adoptive parent/s”, just hear your heart and go out to see which little baby becomes yours and you theirs.

andwe…met was originally published in andwemet on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

a space to share, a bond to pair

a space to share, a bond to pair

a space to share, a bond to pair