Can the initial 3 in-person dates be built around quiet moments?

Shalini Singh

Jan 26, 2025

Can the initial 3 in-person dates be built around quiet moments?

An in-person interaction typically occurs after several initial stages of getting to know each other which may be text interactions, voice calls, or video calls which help establish a level of comfort for a meeting face-to-face.

Can the first three in-person dates be built around quiet moments?

Some quiet initial date moments being :
●      a walk in the park with bare minimum conversation.
      exploring a book shop, browsing books together, sharing occasional smiles or a discovery without speaking much.
     building a puzzle together

Dating often carries the weight of societal expectations. A coffee, lunch, or dinner date has become the conventional setting for first meetings. But does it always have to be this way? Can first in-person dates thrive in quiet moments instead of traditional setups? Take a moment to ask yourself.

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