How important is financial security in a relationship?



May 29, 2021

The topic of finance is one of vital importance to a relationship. It’s also quite a sensitive topic: couples tend to skirt around it or forget it completely when they meet and decide to enter a committed relationship.

Who earns more, you or your partner, and does this bother you? And do your specific financial circumstances influence who does household work? And what are your spending habits like, and how do they compare to those of your partner?

Again in a heterosexual relationship, what if the man decides to be the homemaker, is that acceptable?

We encourage you to reflect on this and interrogate the views you hold as well as the ones society has handed down to us all over the years.

Above all, money is important, but so is the relationship. You and your partner are a team after all. And you know what works best for you.

Poll Results

We carried a poll on our Instagram, over 350 people — 50% women 50% men responded. Results are here for you to see.

How important is financial security in a relationship? was originally published in andwemet on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

a space to share, a bond to pair

a space to share, a bond to pair

a space to share, a bond to pair