Reasons for a break-up, Full blog on online dating site - andwemet
May 29, 2021
Can you avoid a break-up?
What is that one thing that can destroy a relationship, we asked our verified members. This is what they said -
o Showing consistency in being careless
o Misunderstanding
o Ego
o Lack of trust
o Lack of respect
o Anger
o Cheating
o Being Selfish
o Not moving ahead from your last relationship
o Comparing your relationship / partner with others
o Lying
o Lack of communication
o Not being supportive
o Not listening or comprehending
o Money
o Physical Abuse
o Rude Behavior
What do you think of the above? Are there more reasons? Comment below or tell us on info(at)
Reasons for a break-up was originally published in andwemet on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.