What does an Urban Indian man in his 50s seek from a relationship



May 29, 2021

Life … starts off as a story, goes through a learning journey where dreams get formed, somewhere in the late twenties as one chases dreams, life either turns into a race or a struggle… the next 15–20 years are spent managing that struggle or running that race.

Imagine if you are running the race alone versus if you have a companion who runs your race with you and you run her race with her. That makes the race that much more exciting for both of you or a mountain climb that much easier.

A relationship or a companionship that compliments you and helps you along is what I would look for if I could go back twenty five years. The joys of small wins, small celebrations together, changing the dreams together, building a family together…

Traveling it together is what makes the journey beautiful… wins and losses are incidental as you often realign your dreams to the new realities.

Having missed the first innings, this is what I am looking for now as I realize I may still have another 30–40 years of journey ahead and a chance at recouping some of the losses.

A partner, a companion, someone I can trust, someone I could laugh with, someone who cares about my dreams, someone whom I could travel with and enjoy the world, someone with whom I can get lost for days and not feel alone.

And she should be able to say the same about me… A partner, a companion, someone she could trust, …… someone with whom she can get lost for days and not feel alone.

The only thing as you will build a relationship is to remember her race is as important as your race… her dreams are not only about you, they are about her own pride, her own sense of achievement, her own feeling of nirvana.

Often as an alpha male, we forget that a companion is what makes the journey beautiful and it’s not just your journey alone… it is a long coast to coast drive with both of you taking turns in the driver’s seat.

What does an Urban Indian man in his 50s seek from a relationship was originally published in andwemet on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

a space to share, a bond to pair

a space to share, a bond to pair

a space to share, a bond to pair