What will romantic relationships look like in the coming decade?



May 29, 2021

What will romantic relationships look like in the coming decade?

Relationships; their definition has been evolving over time. In future we expect to see a transitional shift in romantic relationships primarily because of the ever-evolving urban Indian:

Increased Self Awareness

Education and wider exposure is changing the thought process of urban Indians. People would be more self-aware leading to them making informed relationship choices. We expect this trend to grow as time elapses.

Acceptance of various kinds of committed Relationships

We are expecting to see an increasing trend in an individual finding their own partner to what has been seen in the past. In addition, we will witness the following:

(a) Acceptance of other form of committed relationship besides marriage, this trend would be seen in metros, but will soon trickle down to tier 1 cities as well

(b) With both partners pursuing a career, we will also see an increase in long distance relationships.

© There would be increased acceptance around gender choice of the partner

(d) Though reduced, living in a nuclear joint family will be accepted

Re-inventing expectations from partner

Individuals will have friends outside the relationship for advice and guidance and this will not be considered as taboo by either partner.

Limited Societal impact

Expect to witness limited societal impact on relationships. Boundaries, if any would be set by partners themselves wherein setting realistic expectations than over committing

Digital Impact

Lack of patience and need for instant gratification are expected to see a rise in the hyper connected world. This will be detrimental for relationships.

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What will romantic relationships look like in the coming decade? was originally published in andwemet on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

a space to share, a bond to pair

a space to share, a bond to pair

a space to share, a bond to pair