When Starting A New Relationship, Avoid These 5 Mistakes



Jun 1, 2022

There's no denying that starting a new relationship is exciting and hopeful. We're hoping this is it. This is the kind of relationship that could last forever. And we work so hard to convince ourselves that we've made the right decision this time. However, the excitement of a new relationship blinds us to potential red flags.

Don't make these five mistakes to save your valuable time and increase your chances of making a relationship last.

Mistake #1: Allow the euphoria of a new relationship to cloud your judgment.

The thrill of a new relationship can blind you to potential red flags of trouble down the road. You may have fallen hard for your partner's appearance and may not care about anything else right now. However, reality sets in sooner than you might think. And if you start to notice differences between you and your partner, you may have gone too far.

Look past the surface. Instead, pay attention to your partner's actions, body language, and strengths and weaknesses. Determine whether the habits that bother you are deal breakers for you.

Mistake #2: Failure to discuss core values and long-term goals.

When a relationship begins, failing to discuss your goals and values can lead to partners going in opposite directions. Our core values are what steer us through life. When they differ from our significant other's, they can be a source of contention. It is extremely difficult to maintain a relationship when the partners' values are misaligned.

For example, you might want to go to church every week, but your partner might not. So, if religion is an important part of your life, make sure your partner shares your beliefs. If you want to have children next year but your partner wants to wait five years, your relationship may end.

Make sure you and your partner are on the same page; it will save your relationship and your sanity.

Mistake #3: Failure to discuss finances.

There are a lot of stigmas attached to discussing money in a new relationship, but it's an important conversation to have. It helps you avoid later surprises and disappointments. People get nervous when they talk about money. However, before entering into a serious relationship, partners should be aware of each other's debts and assets. Nobody wants to be saddled with the burden of another person's debt that they were unaware of. At the same time, no one wants to be duped into thinking they are in a relationship with someone who is self-sufficient only to find themselves having to support them.

There's nothing wrong with being a relationship's sole provider or taking on your partner's debt. However, you want to be aware of it and comprehend its implications.

Mistake #4: Ignoring your role in the breakdown of your previous relationship.

When a relationship ends, we frequently harbor ill will toward our ex-partners. We frequently hold them responsible for the unfortunate outcome. Moving on to a new relationship without understanding how we contributed to the demise of the previous one is akin to resuming the same diet that never worked for you. The truth is that we will never be able to sustain a relationship unless we understand the destructive patterns we bring into it.

So take a moment to reflect on past relationships. Do you notice a recurring pattern that led to their demise? Were there any resemblances between previous relationships? The solutions to your contribution can be found in the recurring issues of previous failed relationships. Take note of them and deal with them. Don't try to rewrite history.

Mistake#5 is having unrealistic expectations.

It's all too common to enter a relationship expecting your partner to fit the mold you've created for them. When they don't, you may sulk and try to manipulate them into conforming to your expectations. It may work for a short time, but it is not long-term. Eventually, the other person reveals their true self. That is the point at which they are no longer willing to compromise their identity. Allowing someone to be themselves will help you determine whether you like them or not. Don't paint your partner's picture in the colors you want to see; instead, ask them to show you their true colors. You'll be glad you did.

Keep your head on your shoulders as you begin a new relationship. You can fantasise about your future with your partner, but don't let these fantasies influence your daily decisions. Deep love, but not blind love. Best wishes!

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Dating with purpose

Dating with purpose