Are you in a serious relationship? Here is how to tell



Nov 2, 2022

The first and most important ingredient in a serious committed relationship is both parties involved agree that they are in a serious relationship 😊. If you are not sure, ask. If you assume you are in a committed relationship when your partner has not given any indication or said anything to that effect, you might be setting yourself up for a rude awakening later.

The first way to identify a serious relationship is by both people being on the same page. If you have not talked about being in a relationship or what that means to you, then most likely you are not on the same page.

The second way to identify a serious relationship is when both people start planning a future together. If you are not discussing the future together, then you are not in a serious relationship.

The third way to identify a serious relationship is when you are both comfortable being yourselves around each other. If you are not comfortable being yourself around the other person, then you are not in a serious relationship.

When you first start dating someone, it can be hard to tell if it’s just a fling or something more serious. With so many different types of relationships nowadays, it’s important to know what you’re looking for before you get too attached.

So, how can you tell if your relationship is headed in the right direction? Listed below are 5 ways to identify a serious relationship…

1)      You enjoy each other’s company

2)      You have met each other’s close friends

3)      You have discussed the future

4)      You have introduced each other to your families

5)      You are comfortable being vulnerable in front of each other

Do share it with those who you think need to understand if they are in a serious relationship or not…

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