Long Distance Relationship Advice

Shalini Singh
Shalini Singh


Oct 1, 2021

Managing expectation : Texting vs. Talking
Managing expectation : Texting vs. Talking
Managing expectation : Texting vs. Talking

Globalisation and connectivity have changed the way we work, play and live. And as a natural corollary, it has also impacted our relationships. Today we communicate with loved ones using voice and video, and can ship gifts across the globe to them. Globalisation is also bringing in greater acceptance of long-distance relationships, which are on the rise nowadays, mostly driven by people’s changing career choices.

Having said this, a long distance relationship (LDR) requires more ‘work’ than a regular relationship. Overlooking the principles of healthy LDRs could lead to heartburn and problems in the relationship.

Here are a few tips to work through a long-distance relationship

  • An LDR is basically a relationship between a couple living or working in two different geographical locations, and who cannot move to be together because of various factors. Discuss a timeline for being in a long distance relationship, so that it is not an indefinite scenario.

  • When in an LDR, you may often not be able to take shared decisions as you’re on your own for the most part. Therefore it is more important to share information and communicate frequently with your partner, even about things that may not seem like a big deal.

  • In an LDR you should be prepared to miss celebrating special occasions and festivals with your partner.

  • Be prepared that all your reach-outs may not be acknowledged immediately. Let’s face it; this does not happen even when a couple lives together 😊.

  • Avoid disagreements (this is admittedly not simple): When apart, keep conversations fun and lively (doable). Do not stretch your disagreements for too long. Keep in mind that neither of you has an idea of what the other is going through, and sulking can be fatal, so park your ego and make up.

  • If you’re both in the same country make an effort to meet once a month, if not more. And if you’re in separate countries, try and meet once in 3-4 months.

These are just some ways to maintain a long-distance relationship. If you’re contemplating getting into one, do ensure you can handle it. The cornerstone of any relationship is trust. Much can be written about trust and its importance in a LDR, but that merits an article by itself.

As appeared in Thrive Global.

a space to share, a bond to pair

a space to share, a bond to pair

a space to share, a bond to pair